Wednesday, August 31, 2011

34 weeks

I am T..I..R...E...D! Physically and mentally exhausted and ready to my my little ones! We are doing our twice a week stress tests on the babies and they are going great. 3 weeks ago I got admitted for Pre-term Labor but they slowed the contractions down and I am now on meds 3 times a day to slow them down.I am still having contractions but they are much slower and less painful.

Bring on some babies! See what happens when I have a contraction....they jump on top of eachothe like they are ready to bust out!

Here is my 34 weeks bump above!

Maternity pictures!

Thanks to my fabulous neighbor Lynz for doing my Mat photos! They are beautiful thank you!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Almost there!

Only about 6 more weeks to go! Here are the bumps for 29, 30 and 31 weeks

Thursday, July 21, 2011

More bumps

Not much new here...Passed my 3 hour gestational diabetes test woo hoo! Here are my belly shots from weeks 25, 26, 27, and 28. Enjoy

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More Bumps!

Week 20 through 24! I finally got asked the question "What are there 2 in there?" YES! Yes there are!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sister wives

As I sit here and catch up on my DVR....I watched an episode of sister wives that just got to me. Here they are picking out homes for each wife and all the children. Meri who is sister wife #1 only has 1 child due to some infertility issues. I am unaware of the exact issue (not that it's any of my business) but 2 things during this episode really got to me.

1: Cody the husband was getting upset because Meri got a 3 bedroom home that was around the same price as a bigger home, 4-5 bedrooms that Janelle and Christine got. OK so just because she didn't have 5 kids she should get less? Meri and her daughter each got a room and Meri gets an extra for her sewing room. Seems fair to me.

2: The last wife (#4) Robin Just found out she was pregnant. I will say I commend her for driving to Meri's home to have a 1 on 1 conversation with her about being pregnant. I know how hard it is to find out a friend is pregnant when you face such a struggle to become pregnant yourself. That has to be so hard being married first and all those years taking on more wives and children one after another while you struggle to have your own. I have not watched the actual conversation they have but my heart hurts for Meri. I am more than happy for Robin because she deserves to be happy and have a healthy baby. I hope Meri is happy for her, I just found myself so upset and needed to get that out.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Slacker but so much info...READ THIS!

Our computer took a dump again so we had our good friend Mike fix er up for us! Working WONDERFUL now so here it whats been going on:

16- weeks we had to see a High Risk OBGYN. We have decided to delivery at Bergan Mercy since they have the NICU there just in case the babies need to stay. They have remodeled the pavilion and it's beautiful here at Bergan (I work here too) and so secure which makes me feel good. We love love love our new doctor. He is so funny and sweet and I was really worried about seeing someone new but he is great! Both babies are in separate sacs and have separate placenta's which is the way to be so that was one less thing to stress about.  Best news ever about that appointment was...we found out what we are having....


It was the best news ever! The babies were not as big as the doc wanted them to be so we have to go back every 2 weeks for growth scans. I was worried at first but I am so thankful to be keeping such a close eye on the both of them.

17 week: It looks so HUGE to me!

Week 18- Scans were good, babies were growing but we still have to go back at 20 weeks for a full anatomy scan to make sure all 10 fingers and toes are there. Here is week 18:

Here is my bump at 19 crazy when you compare it to the first picture I posted at 8 weeks or so:

I will keep you all updated after our anatomy scan on Wednesday at 20 weeks!

Monday, April 25, 2011

15 week bump

Here they babies are growing and I love every minute of it! Looks like my shirts are starting to get a little tight....EEK!

14 week Babies!

The doctor I see is going with Oct 12 due date which bumps my date up from Oct 19. I have been off a week this whole time..OOPS! So from here on out it's a fresh start. Here are the babies at 14 weeks. I have to see a high risk obgyn next week as we have to have a "backup plan" in case something were to go wrong with the delivery or babies. That freaked me out but it seems she does this just as a precaution. I will see my doctor in another 4 weeks and hope to find out what gender the babies are. Still not sure I want to find out but I told Lee we could. Let's just say I won't be disappointed if they are not cooperating! Lee swears baby A is a boy already LOL!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Last week in 1st Trimester!

They count week 13 as the last day in your first trimester...Lucky me! I am feeling a lot better and finally gaining weight (never thought I would say that) but I feel good. Sometime I over do it on the snacks so Lee has to take the crakers and cheese away or hide the Doritos but for the most part I am doing well. This Friday is our next OB appointment. I hope to have another ultrasound to show everyone! Here is my wekk 13 belly bump picture!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I know, Im a slacker

So I am 12 weeks now! I still can't believe it! Finally got to take the pump off. While I had a love/hate relationship with the Zofran pump I am happy to have it off. It of course helped  with all the nausea and vomiting but it irritated my stomach so bad. I still have knots in my tummy but they don;t bug me. I am happy to say (and hope I am not jinxing myself) that i have not been sick since I got the pump off!

Here is my week 12 belly. Our next appointment is Friday April 15th. I hope I get to see the babies again!

The other day a lady down the hall said "well that's not all baby, but it's nice you are giving them plenty of room to grow" WOW! I could not believe it. I wanted to say "actually I have lost 7lbs and I have OHSS (the ovarian hyper simulation syndrome), and while I know I am not the skinniest girl in the world...this is my baby bump" I mean come on give me a break...I'm having twins!

Oh well...It's nice to eat food again and I cannot wait to get to my 4th month!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week 10~ish

I have been so tired latley I have not had the energy to even post! Here are the picture of the babies at 9.5 

Here is 10.5 week baby bump

 I am still hooked up to the Zofran pump...I have bruises all over but it is helping with the nausea so we are slowly weening me off. I hope I get it off. I keep hearing all these horror stories of women who have them on for MONTHS!

Cribs are in!

Lee has been on the ball looking for the best deals on cribs and without spending an arm and a leg he managed to get both cribs and our dresser/changing stand for $250! You can hardly find a single crib for that price. I love my bargain shopper! Here they are and here is a picture of the room with the dresser and rocker in it!