Wednesday, August 31, 2011

34 weeks

I am T..I..R...E...D! Physically and mentally exhausted and ready to my my little ones! We are doing our twice a week stress tests on the babies and they are going great. 3 weeks ago I got admitted for Pre-term Labor but they slowed the contractions down and I am now on meds 3 times a day to slow them down.I am still having contractions but they are much slower and less painful.

Bring on some babies! See what happens when I have a contraction....they jump on top of eachothe like they are ready to bust out!

Here is my 34 weeks bump above!

Maternity pictures!

Thanks to my fabulous neighbor Lynz for doing my Mat photos! They are beautiful thank you!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Almost there!

Only about 6 more weeks to go! Here are the bumps for 29, 30 and 31 weeks