Thursday, January 27, 2011

No Pain No Gain

Since my wonderful IUI I have had just a few side effects. Of course right...why would it be easy?? I have something called "Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome" OHSS for short. Let me tell you what it says here in my paperwork from the Doctor.

"OHSS is a complication that occurs when the ovaries over-respond to the HCG trigger. Many follicles are produced causing ovaries to swell, enlarge and become very  painful." With this you get "An electrolyte imbalance, fluids shift from the blood vessels to the surrounding tissue and a collection of fluid settles in your abdomen. These symptoms usually occur within one week of the HCG trigger".

What does this mean...UGH...I have to drink 4 bottles of Gatorade a day. I cannot work out or do any strenuous activity including Thursday night bowling with my girls! I seriously thought I was being some big ass baby but I am telling you...THIS HURTS! I got into bed last night and I whipped over to my right side really fast and it felt like a monsoon of pain shifted from one side of my body to the other. I yelled so loud Lee was freaking out thinking something was wrong, well beside the obvious. I continue to tell myself No Pain No Gain but come on...Can I get a break!

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