Monday, January 10, 2011

Results are in Let's start Treatment!

We went in for our new appointment to go over the results from our test and start a "Plan of Action". All of our Lab work was normal besides my testosterone levels which are always out of whack with the PCOS. The doctor looked over at Lee and said well lets talk about your count. All that was running through my mind was "Great, he has no sperm and we are going to get hit with a double Whammy" She went on to tell us that the average sperm count is about 60 million. Lee's count was 1 BILLION, so and so hundred thousand...Yeah  pretty AMAZING! She said you have nothing to worry about with Superman over here LOL! I told her to please not tell him that as I would never hear the end of it, and of course I haven't. I told my mom that we were meant to be together. I have this problem so super sperm can come on in (No pun intended) and make us a baby with these troubled ovaries. Thrilled is the best word to explain how we felt that day..Absolutely Thrilled!

Here is what we are doing now:
1. Started hormones to induce a cycle. (thank god it didn't start while we were in Arizona for New Years)
2. Started cycle on the 5th, day 3 of my cycle went in for an ultrasound to measure cyst's and check my lining to make sure it was OK to start meds. The cyst's look like bubbles covering my ovaries. It's pretty cool to see.
3.Starts Femara on the 7th (cycle day 3) Femara is a medication they give women with breast cancer and fertility issues. Let me tell you how exciting it was picking it up from the pharmacy: I went in and she needed my new insurance card. I knew this medicine would NEVER be covered by insurance but she insisted I get it, of course it was on the kitchen table at home. I drove all the way home grabbed it and went back. She told me the medication for a 5 day supply was $162. Great...just great! After she ran the card she walked up with a sour face and said "well how much did you spend in gas getting here?" Great it didn't take any off! Really! I said I dunno 5 bucks?? She looked at me and said well good thing you did because insurance covered the entire thing! WHAT! Yes I didn't pay a dime! Thank the lord!
4. On day 6 and 7 I will do a self injection of a medication called Menopur. This is a little boost for my ovaries.
5. On day 8 I will go in to have another ultrasound to see if it helped me to grow any follicles. We need follicles to grow so I can release some eggs. If it looks like it worked I will get a Trigger shot which is called HCG and that will help boost some eggs out.
6. If this all works they may to IUI also known as Artificial Insemination. We like to call it the "Turkey Baster"
One good thing is the side effects from the Femara are not as bad as the Clomid which makes Lee happy and me feel better. I am nervous about the injections though. I know I am capable of doing them however it's just a little nerve racking.

From here on out I will do a day to day update post's through this crazy process. Thanks for reading Ta Ta!

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