Friday, January 28, 2011

The wait is killing me...Yes already!

After our IUI there is a certain date that we can test on to see if we are pregnant. I have not told anyone the date not even Lee but it's killing me already! I am only 3 days post IUI and I wanna test NOW! Even if I did it would come out positive due to the hormones in my body. That HCG trigger shot I took will be in my system for a while, that's why they don't want you to cheat. This is torture!

On a brighter note I must tell you all how supportive my hubby is. I have been very short with him this week. Not sure if I am just anxious or moody from the meds but I have not been pleasant to live with (Not me right). He keeps me positive day after day and as much as I complain I really can't because I have a wonderful husband who has my back through all of this.

The weekend is here and I am pretty sure we will not be doing anything. I get too nauseous by the end of the night like I have the last 3 nights and keep getting sick right before bed. I know this is the medicine and I hate it. If this cycle does not work we are definitely going to have to take a break. I am so sick of feeling sick.

Enough of my complaining...I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

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